For instance a lot of PhotoShop users may want to use these F keys all the time. If you use a lot of apps that use these F keys then you may want to have it set with the checkbox on so you can use the F keys without having to press the fn key. So which way you have it set is your preference. Hold down the fn key to use them as F1, F2, F3. Then by default if you're not holding down the fn key these will work to change brightness, volume, etc. However, if you uncheck this setting then it works the opposite way. If you want to access something like screen brightness or the music playback controls, they're the special features, you hold the fn key and press one of these keys. Now if this is checked by default all of these keys are used as the F keys. You go to System Preferences, then Keyboard, and then click on the Keyboard tab at the top. It's all due to a setting in System Preferences.

Now it can work that way but it can also work the opposite way. If that were true for the top row of keys the not holding down the fn key will always give you F1 and holding down the fn key would give you lower screen brightness. Holding it down will give you upper case letters. So with the Shift key not holding it down will always give you lower case letters.

However it can be confusing because the keys can work in the opposite way for different people.

You switch between the two of them using a key, not the shift key, but the fn key which is usually at the bottom left corner of the keyboard, though not always. It can do function keys like F1 or it can do Special Features like screen brightness. Just like that the top row has two different things that it does. You hold the Shift key down to go from lower case to upper case. Kind of like with the regular letter keys there's lower case and upper case letters. Well basically the top row of keys has two different modes. Another problem people have is sometimes they want to use the special functions at the top of the keyboard, like pausing music, changing screen brightness and such, and when they try to use those keys they just don't do anything. In fact they do completely different things. But when they press those keys on the keyboard they don't work for that app. One is that they want to use keyboard shortcuts in an app that show F1, F2, F3, etc., as the shortcut. So there are two different problems involving the top row of keys that Mac users face. There you can read more about it, join us, and get exclusive content. MacMost is brought to you thanks to a great group of more than 500 supporters.
It's how to switch between the two modes of the top row of your Mac keyboard. Today I want to talk about a problem that trips up a lot of new Mac users. For example, in many apps, if you press the Option key while viewing the File menu, File > Close changes to File > Close All.Check out Understanding the Function And Special Features Keys On the Mac Keyboard at YouTube for closed captioning and more options. Pressing the Option key while viewing a menu reveals hidden menu items. Shift-Command-4 takes a picture of the part of the screen you select. Shift-Command-3 takes a picture of the entire screen. In some apps, controls whether pressing the arrow keys moves the pointer or scrolls in a window. (You may need to press and hold the Fn key first) In some apps, controls whether pressing keys in the numeric keypad enters numbers or moves the pointer. Press Fn–Left Arrow (Home) to scroll to the beginning of the current document press Fn–Right Arrow (End) to scroll to the end of the document. On the Mac, press Command-Left Arrow to move the insertion point to the beginning of the current line press Command-Right Arrow to move the insertion point to the end of the line. For example, pressing Command-S usually saves a document or file.
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